Thursday, October 17, 2013

The return of the population quiz

Today in class we got our population quizzes back, I had totally forgot that we even took them. I was a little nervous, because I hadn't checked power school to see my grade. As Mr. Schick started passing out the tests, he wasn't ringing the bell for anyone. Mr. Schick only rings the bell if a student got an A, there was only one bell ring so far, and I was starting to get a little nervous. Finally he called my name, second to last, out of the pile and then I heard a ring! I was really excited because I hadn't done very well on the last test and I really wanted to do well on this one. Once all the tests were passed out there had only been two bell rings, and I was very happy and thankful that one of them was mine. The rest of the class we went over the questions for the test to see what the correct answers were. We participated more today which was good, and we weren't the class with the lowest average. Because we participated more we became more informed about the topic, I hope this continues to happen and we continue to bring our grades up as a class.

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