Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cultural Geography

Today things were back to normal, we had a teacher, everyone was in a uniform( out of spirit week clothes), and we started a new unit. It was called "Cultural Geography". Cultural geography describes groups of everyday people, and the ideas that the group will teach to other groups of people. This can connect a region, or maybe even divide a region. This basically tells us how countries are made you of so many different people, like the Unites States, or showing that most people in a country look and act the same, like China. There are three "Cultural Characteristics", language, ethnic heritage, and religion.
  • Language
    • Examples of how language works in cultural geography:
      • Spanish unites the Hispanic world
      • Brazil is the only South American country that does not speak Spanish. The instead speak Portuguese.
      • Canada is a bilingual country that speaks French and English. These two languages are the country's official languages.
      • English is considered the world language used for business transactions. This is called "lingua franca"
  • Ethnic heritage
    • Examples of how ethnic heritage works in cultural geography:
      • In Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups made into one country, but soon the leadership died and there became a war. Now they are no longer one country.
        • When one group becomes more powerful, the other gets "shamed" by the powerful ones.
        • Some groups get along fine and stay as one country, like America. America has peacefully emerged into one country, but many different groups in the country.
  • Religion
    • Examples of how religion world in cultural geography:
      • The five major religion are:
        • Hinduism
        • Buddhism
        • Judaism
        • Islam
      • There are millions of people who believe in the same thing but all belong to a different group. 

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