Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cultural Geography Part 2

In human geography today we continued to discuss the topic of cultural geography.
Spatial divisions are how we divide the livable space found on the Earth by establishing social, economic, and political control. Spatial division can be shown in many different ways like countries, economic alliances, and political alliances.
    • A country is easy to explain, it is just different sections from the continents divided into countries.
    • Economic alliances can be demonstrated by, many different countries and the issues that they have had. North America and Free Trade Agreement which is also known by the NAFTA. Association of Southeast Asian Nations is another example of economic alliances.
    • Political alliances are also another form. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), or the Commonwealth of Nations is also another group that represents the political alliances’ part of spatial division. Organization of American states is also another political alliance.
  • There are reasons for spatial division, and they are the difference in culture, language, and religion. There are also historical boundaries witch make there be divisions in the countries. Imperial conquest and control, along with economic similarities and differences, are a part of the reasons for spatial division.
  • Nationalism is the belief that your nation is superior to all others. This means that a nation has the right to think that there the best, but that may not be true but you have that right.
  • Economic differences is fertile land, access to the coast, fishing rights, natural resources, and different economic philosophies.

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