Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Population Pyramids

Today in Human Geography we took a quiz about the "Lost Boys Video". I believe that I did very well on this test but I do know that I got two questions wrong.
After the test we started a new PowerPoint about Population Pyramids.

Population Pyramids are used to analyze growth, or decline of the fertility rate, mortality, and migration in cities. These can be put into three different shapes, the Christmas tree, the box, and the cup.

The Christmas Tree:
 This show that the growth rates are slow
There is a high birth rate
There is a short life expectancy.

The Box:
This shows low infant mortality
low population
Have longer life expectancy.

The Cup:
Low birth rate
Shrinking population
Long life expectancy  

These facts and ways to see the population are very interesting, and hopefully we will continue to learn more about them.

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