Thursday, October 24, 2013

Test Review: Cultural Geography

Today in human geography Jasmine taught the class the class, and we reviewed our notes, and reviewed for the test. We also watched a short video that discussed nationalism. Listed below are some notes to study for our test.

Study Guide:
  • Cultural characteristics- learned characteristics from a certain cultural or group. Can be seen through:
    • Language:
      • Spanish unites the Hispanic world
      • Brazil is the only South American nation that speaks Portuguese
      • Canada is a bilingual language:
        • French
        • English
      • Switzerland has multiple languages
      • English is considered the number one business language in the world
        • Called the " lingua franca"
    • Ethnic heritage:
      • Countries , like Yugoslavia, have many ethnic groups and they get along fine.
        • There soon became problems in Yugoslavia, and the country split up
        • When one group has more power the weaker on is mostly to be punished
        • Not all groups have the same outcome, like the U.S. for example
    • Religion:
      • Five major religions:
        • Hinduism
        • Buddhism
        • Judaism- the people are decedents of Abraham
        • Christianity
        • Islam
      • Muslim groups
        • Shiites
        • Sunnies
      • Million of people believe in the same thing
      • Jews, Christians, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem as their holy site
        • They are constantly fighting over this spot
  • Spatial divisions- how we divide the livable space found on the Earth by establishing social, economic, and political control
    • Countries
    • Economic alliances:
      • North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
      • Association of Southeast Asian Nations
    • Political alliances:
      • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
      • Commonwealth of Nations
      • Originations of American States
    • Reasons for spatial divisions:
      • Difference in culture, language, or religion
      • Historical boundaries
      • Imperial conquest and control
      • Economic similarities and differences
  • Nationalism- the belief that you nation is superior to all others
  • Economic differences- fertile land, access to the coast, fishing rights, natural resources, different economic philosophies

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