Saturday, October 19, 2013

No Teacher

In Human Geography Mr. Schick was not there. We had human geography first so we just thought that Mr. Schick was running late, so we continued to sit there and talk among ourselves. Then the announcements started to be said over the speaker, but there still was no Mr. Schick. We then started to get a little worried, but we continued to just sit and wait for him. Phil soon opened to door and stuck his head out the door, but he was not there. Jasmine and Carly then went down to the office to tell someone, because we weren't sure what the number was for the office. When they came back they said that Mr. Ironton said to just wait in the room and that there will be a substitute in the room soon. Then, about seven or eight minutes later a teacher came into the class, and asked where Mr. Torres was, and we tried to explain to her that this was a human geography class, and that Mr. Schick used this room for teaching. She was a little confused so we continued to explain it to her. After us telling her again, she understood, then she left the room. We sat in the room for about another five minutes, and then another teacher came in, and he was our "real" substitute. For the rest of the class, that we had time left, we took a pre-test thing that will show Mr. Schick how much we know, and don't know. Then at the end of the semester we will take it again to see how much learned. I thought the test was pretty hard, and it gave me a look into what we will be learning for the rest of the semester.  

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