Thursday, October 31, 2013

Religion part:2

Today in human geography we continued to present our religion blogs and prepared for our test tomorrow. These are the last three religions that we talked about.

  • It is a religion mainly to the country India
  • Full of beliefs and practices based on teachings
  • 6% of the worlds population is Buddhism
  • Siddhartha Gautama is Buddah
    • Buddah means the awakened one
  • Commonly found in:
    • China
    • Japan
    • Thailand
  • One of the oldest practices today
    • Spread from the northeastern region
  • 1 million people in the U.S. are Buddhist
  • Buddah is a person completely free from all faults
  • He is not fat, but very skinny because he fasted for most of the time
  • Practice in synagogues
  • 81% live in Israel and the U.S.
  • Religious leaders:
    • Patriarchs
    • Moses
    • Abraham
  • Abraham is their patriarch, and the first Jew  
  • Mostly found in India and Asia
  • Has a large number of Gods
  • Known as Cleities
  • The gods have lots of powers
  • Where they worship:
    • Home
    • Temple
    • Road/street shrine
  • They practice individual worship
  • The religion was formed in 2000 B.C.
  • Founded in India

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