Saturday, October 5, 2013

End of the Movie: The Lost Boys

It has now been three years since the boys moved to America. They have gotten a good education, and have good jobs. Panther has decided to go to Africa and find his girlfriend. Once he does this he will bring her back to America and marry her. Meanwhile John Bul was searching for his family. He had finally made contact with them and had news that his parents were living and his sister, but that his uncles and aunts had not survived the war. He soon was able to make enough money and fly them here. The reunion was very emotional and happy for all of them. John soon went to Sudan and built a medical house for the men and women in Sudan. This medical house has changed many lives of the men, women, and children. Lastly Daniel went to college and completed all his degrees, but he did not have the same outcome as the others. They are all very thankful for the opportunity that they were given and hope to give it to some other of the lost boys.

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