Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Nike Swoosh

Jim Keady is the founder of the organization "educating for justice". Jim is a very good soccer player and he ended up coaching the number one soccer team in the world. As their team became even better Nike recognized them and wanted to sponsor them if they would wear the swoosh symbol on their uniforms for soccer. Jim had heard their Nike did not treat their customer's right and he was not going to agree with Nike's deal. The school became upset with this and fired Jim because of his decision. Jim and his fellow college Leslie Kretzu, decided to make a change about how Nike treated their workers. They went to Indonesia and were going to live the role that the workers played, but without actually working in the factory. Jim and Leslie lived in the same place as the rest of the workers, and the conditions were horrible. The average worker only makes $1.25 a day, which is close to nothing to live on. As they continued to live in there conditions they lost a lot of weight and Leslie became sick. As time went on Nike had heard of Jim and Leslie's plan and they would be asked to leave immediately. Security would follow them around to make sure that they did not disturb the Nike Company. This was very fighting to them, for they had hear stories form previous Nike workers that they had been abused and even held at gun point. Jim and Leslie returned to the U.S. and found the CEO of the Nike Company. They told him what they had experienced, but he simply denied it. After Jim and Leslie they began speaking at schools and persuading them that what Nike is doing in Indonesia is wrong, and that they are not the only company that expresses this way or treating your workers. People are all equal and disserve the same respect and that all people are equal.
I agree with what this video is saying and what Nike is doing is very wrong. It takes a very brave person to stand up a nationwide company and tell that company that they are doing something wrong. I praise the bravery that Jim and Leslie had and I hope that the companies soon realize that they need to change their way of treating their workers.

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