Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Disscussion of Nike

After having a day to think about the Nike video and how they treated the workers, I realized how bad, and inhumane it is to do that. We also did a follow up and looked at a recent article to see what Nike had done about their mistreatment of their workers. The article basically said that the difference Nike had made was that they gave their workers an apartment to live in, and would be giving them $4.00 a day instead of $1.25. This does help things but Nike found a ways to "cheat", the minimum wage in Indonesia was $4.00, and Nike was looking for a way to get around that. Nike would pay government officials, (or whoever was in charge) so that they would not enforce the law for their company, and they could get away with paying Nike workers less than $4.00. Also this apartment wasn't very nice either, but it was better than what they had. By hearing these facts makes me very depressed and I wish that they could just treat people right. Nike makes very high quality athletic wear, it is just a shame how they run their company and treat their workers.

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