Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Today in class  we discussed the memory of  9/11 and how it affected the world. This was a horrible event in history, but it is also a sign of how brave our Country can be. The bravery of how the rescue response units work to save hundreds of lives is very inspiring. The day after, the Country came together and hung flag in windows, cars, and in the news. This showed me that our nation cares. It would have been an amazing but yet very sad experience to remember seeing and hearing the news, and see how we can all work together. We also discussed globalization, which is the interaction of different parts of the world. It also results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. We looked a website that showed how daily things can become global in all different countries. As an example we saw a picture of McDonald's and KFC in China, and that was very neat to see the daily American things in a different Country though.   

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