Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Greek Review

Today in Human Geography we had a discussion of Greek cultural. A place called the agora, which is a popular assembly, is where the Greeks would meet and have a discussion of political terms, and would vote on issues. Everyone got a say in what the decision was, but there was a voting at the end, and the majority ruled. A polis it a Greek city\state and it would be like our countries capital. In the year 508 BC the Greeks over-through their government, this is the first time anyone tried to get rid of the Government. The Greeks also developed democracy. Socrates was a philosopher, and he wanted people to be able to think for themselves. Socrates question asking became a method called "The Socrates Method". Socrates continued to ask his student questions, and challenging their answers. Socrates was sentenced to death because he had criticized Critias, and there for he was made to drink poison hemlock. The Greeks had a very different world then we do today.

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