Thursday, September 12, 2013

Globalization Pictures

In Human Geography today we continued to discuss globalization, and looking at the effects it has on the world. We also looked at pictures that gave a better understanding of globalization that it is becoming more common to speak more than one language. This is happing because more people are wanting to know news around the world, and to interact with people from other countries.  Another picture that we looked at was a man in Kenya talking on the phone and the infrastructure that was need to use the phone is a big deal to them, but not to us. Most countries are in need of cell towers, electricity, and technology. Lastly another one of the pictures that we looked at was a picture of an American movie in China. This is crazy to me because you wouldn't think that the Chinese or the U.K. or any other country would want to watch our movies, but they do. This shows that anything that can become global.

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