Thursday, September 19, 2013

Presentation and First Test

In Human Geography today we presented our presentations about Globalization. This was helpful for we have a test tomorrow and we got to see what other students though about the topic, (kind of like a review day). My partner was Jessica, and I think we did pretty well, considering this wasn't a real grade, but just something to help us study. All of the presentation were done very well, and hopefully will help us for our test. We also got to discuss the subject a little bit more, and talk about the details of the subject. By having multiple groups we got some new perspectives from them. Once we finished presetting we discussed out test for the rest of the class. This will be our first test of the year and it is worth 100 points, with 3 essays. This makes me a little nervous, but if I study I know that I will do fine.

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