Thursday, September 5, 2013

The "Did You Know" Video

Today in Geography class we watched a video that amazed me, on how quickly the world has, and still is changing.

Three facts that really stood out to me are:
  1. That China will soon become the number one English speaking country.
    • This amazed me because I would think that Chinese would soon become the number one language in the world. Not that they would be learning English.
    • This would have an impact on my life because it would be easier for me to talk to people in other countries, especially in China.
    • Technology plays a big part in my life, for example I use my computer for 50% or more of my classes, technology has come a long way and is being used in many different ways today.
  2. The top 10 jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 
    • This fact shows how much the world is really changing, and how far we have come in 6 years, and wondering what is to come in the future will be the most exciting thing.
    • Because jobs are changing so quickly the option of my generation having a job and staying with that job for 10 years or more is very slim.
    • By having technology apart of our lives new jobs are coming about, like the fact says, jobs will be continuously changing over the years.
  3. Every four minutes 60 babies will be born in the U.S., 224 babies will be born in China, and 351 babies will be born in India.
    • I had not realized how much the population was growing, and this fact really shocked me.
    • This impacts me, because there are 635 babies being born every four minutes, and that is just in three countries. The world is becoming very populated, and that makes a problem in the future.
    • I believe that we have just started to see the new and amazing technology that is being invented, and there is more to come that will change the way we live forever. 

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