Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Review on Socrates

In Human Geography today we did something a little different. Mr. Schick let Steven tech the class, with  the help of Mr. Schick himself. I think that by doing this it got us talking a little bit more, and hopefully we will continue to talk more in class. We continued to discuss about Socrates and the Greeks way of living. The reason why Socrates was sentenced to death is because he was becoming a threat to some people, and he would criticize other peoples way of thinking. He was sentenced to death because he was corrupting the minds to the youth. Also he was charged with disrespecting the Gods, witch was a very big deal in ancient Greece. Socrates was a well respected man to some people, so for them to see, or hear of him dying, it made them very upset. Socrates was a man who change the way of teaching and thinking forever.

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