Tuesday, November 12, 2013

World leaders

In human geography we continued to discuss countries and their leaders. There is also a test on political geography on Thursday.

  • Is a parliamentary democracy headed by President Shimon Peres and Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu
Shimon Peres:
  • Organized Israel's nuclear program
  • Minster of foreign affairs
  • Won the Nobel peace prize
Binyamin Netanyahu:
  • started to advocate international cooperation in fighting terrorism.
  • A federal republic headed by President Enrique Pena Pieto

Enrique Pena Pieto:

  • "trouble stays away from him"
  •  Angelica Rivera was his wife and she is the first lady in Mexico.
Saudi Arabia:

  • Is a kingdom ruled by Abdallah bin Abd-Aziz Al Saud, who is king and prime minister.

  • Father of 22 children
  • He is worth 21 billion dollars
  • Is the commander of the national guard
  • He granted women the right to vote and run in the future, which is very uncommon
United Kingdom:
  • Is a constitutional monarchy an a common wealth realm, ruled by Prime Minster David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II
David and Elizabeth:
  • Elizabeth became queen on February 6, 1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953.  Her reign has lasted 60 years - and counting.
  • David had his whole life planed out for him, but when his son died he started to think differently
  • David is the youngest prime minister
  • Is a federal republic headed by President Nicolas Maduro Moros
Nicolas Maduro Moros:
  • Started as a bus driver
  • He was introduced to Hugo Chaves, who hated the U.S.

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