Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Day of Nothing

Today in human geography we did nothing. Mr. Schick gave us a free mod in his class. We talked among ourselves and who had home work completed it if they wanted to. This was just a time to relax and talk with our classmates. I thought it was nice to just relax and have fun. Mr. Schick also talked about the variety show. I have to say that I wasn't really going to go, but the flash mob in the cafeteria really made me want to go, and Mr. Schick kept saying, "You guys should come to the variety show". So I went and I enjoyed it, a lot. Some of the things were really funny, and a lot of them have very good singing voices. My favorite part was the dancing. That made me laugh. Also the "notes" one, they would say things like, "Thank you John Carroll for turning the heat on in the summer, and turning the air conditioning on in the winter". These really made me laugh, because it is so true. It was a good way to kick off the thanksgiving break!

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