Sunday, November 24, 2013

Peace Corps Game

Today in human geography Mr. Schick was not there, Mr. Torres was our substitute. During the class we continued to play the game, and I finally finished the game and got to see the outcome of it.
Throughout the game I learned some facts. The microfinance program helps people in many different ways. Microfinance address the need of people who lived in a low populated area, with no money. They also have volunteers that work with farmers. The peace core works towards increasing family income, and they try to improve the environment for business. Through out the game there were many issues that you had to solve, and it would give you information on what was right and what was wrong, but you had to chose. One of these examples was the occurrences of malaria, and it can be reduced by managing water resources. There was also another issue in the game and that was that the town lake was contaminated with pollution. The pollution most likely came from the people of the town.
Many girls don't get the opportunity to go to school and get an education. The UNICEF program helps these girls get into school. The countries that are poor and in need have allies of other countries that help them. The United States is one of these countries, and they consume and produce about a quarter of the worlds forest products, which helps them, by selling the country products so they have supplies. Also tress play a very important role in our environment.
These were some of the informational facts that the game gave me. The game is a new and different way to lean and I like it, hopefully we will be able to do this again with another unit topic.

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