Friday, November 15, 2013

Test in 30 min

Today in human geography we took a political geography test. Today was a shortened schedule because we got to watch the school play, Gospel. It felt weird to eat lunch at 10 instead of 11:30,but I liked having all of my classes shortened. The test wasn't that bad and I had enough time to finish it, but some people didn't, but maybe Mr. Schick will give them more time. I thought the play was really good and I enjoyed it. In the begging it didn't really make any sense to me, but once they started to act out some of the parables it made more sense. Our school has a lot of talent, there were good dancers, actors, and of course singers. I hope that they let us watch footloose during school because I think that footloose is going to be even better. Overall today was good, short classes, and we have no school Friday, I wish every day would be like this.

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