Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cultural Grography Test

Today in Human Geography we took a test. Most of the kids in our human geography were not there for the test that we took today. I thought some of the questions were challenging, but I go an 80% on it, which is not that bad. Before we took the test we spent some time going over the power point that Mr. Schick had made up for us to study. But today I received an email from Mr. Schick and it said that many students did not do very well on the test, so we are getting another chance to re-take the test. I am very happy about this, even though I didn't get a bad grade, but I know that I could have done better. I think the reason why we didn't do so well is because I felt like we rushed through the religion part of the unit. Also it was the night after Halloween, so maybe people didn't study, and we probably didn't get a goodnight sleep. Hopefully we will study harder and get a goodnight sleep before the re-take test.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Somebody who reads my blog! Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity.
