Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Test Back

In human geography today we go our test back. I got a 91 on the test which want bad. As we reviewed the test we learned that it is really important to pay attention to the question. For example the question said, "The leader of this state is their youngest prime minister in over 200 years." I put down the name David Cameron, and that would have been true if it was asking for the person, but it wasn't. The question was asking for the place, so the correct answer was United Kingdom. I think that most people read the question quickly and wrote down what they thought was the right answer, but they just needed to read the question more clearly and carefully. We all make mistakes even I do, but hopefully next time we will all be more aware of the question and read it more carefully.
For the rest of the class we went on this website and played a game that dealt with the peace core, and with microfinance. I liked this game because it was a fun way to understand the topic. Overall it was a pretty good class.

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