Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Political Geography

Today in human geography we too our retake test. I did really well on it and I got a 93%. I'm happy about this because I knew that I could have done better on the first test, and it turns out that I could.
For the rest of the class we started a new unit called Political Geography. This unit sounds a little more challenging than the rest.
The world is divided into three different parts.
  1. A country
    • an identifiable land area
  2. A State (with a capital "S")
    • a population under a single government
    • a synonym is a "country  
  3. Nation-state
    • a single culture under a single government
    • a nation which has the same boarders as the State

Nation- a cultural group of people that share the same identity, like languages, religion, institutions, and historical experience.

Independent State:
  • Has territory with boundaries
  • People live there on a regular basis
  • An organized country regulated by money, trade, and foreign issues
  • Has education 
  • Has transportation
  • Has a government
  • Has sovereignty
    • This means that no other State should have power over other countries
  • External recognition
    • Has been voted on by other countries

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