Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Day of Nothing

Today in human geography we did nothing. Mr. Schick gave us a free mod in his class. We talked among ourselves and who had home work completed it if they wanted to. This was just a time to relax and talk with our classmates. I thought it was nice to just relax and have fun. Mr. Schick also talked about the variety show. I have to say that I wasn't really going to go, but the flash mob in the cafeteria really made me want to go, and Mr. Schick kept saying, "You guys should come to the variety show". So I went and I enjoyed it, a lot. Some of the things were really funny, and a lot of them have very good singing voices. My favorite part was the dancing. That made me laugh. Also the "notes" one, they would say things like, "Thank you John Carroll for turning the heat on in the summer, and turning the air conditioning on in the winter". These really made me laugh, because it is so true. It was a good way to kick off the thanksgiving break!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Peace Corps Game

Today in human geography Mr. Schick was not there, Mr. Torres was our substitute. During the class we continued to play the game, and I finally finished the game and got to see the outcome of it.
Throughout the game I learned some facts. The microfinance program helps people in many different ways. Microfinance address the need of people who lived in a low populated area, with no money. They also have volunteers that work with farmers. The peace core works towards increasing family income, and they try to improve the environment for business. Through out the game there were many issues that you had to solve, and it would give you information on what was right and what was wrong, but you had to chose. One of these examples was the occurrences of malaria, and it can be reduced by managing water resources. There was also another issue in the game and that was that the town lake was contaminated with pollution. The pollution most likely came from the people of the town.
Many girls don't get the opportunity to go to school and get an education. The UNICEF program helps these girls get into school. The countries that are poor and in need have allies of other countries that help them. The United States is one of these countries, and they consume and produce about a quarter of the worlds forest products, which helps them, by selling the country products so they have supplies. Also tress play a very important role in our environment.
These were some of the informational facts that the game gave me. The game is a new and different way to lean and I like it, hopefully we will be able to do this again with another unit topic.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Emmy and the Music Video

Today in human geography we watched this really cool video by Bob Dylan. It was a really old song, and the music video just came out around two days ago. In this video there was like 10 different channels, with-in the music video. The song would be playing in the back ground and whenever you changed the channel the characters would be singing the song too. You would change the channel with their arrows on your computer and the channel on the video would change. Once the channel change the people on the next station would be singing too. I really enjoyed this video and I thought it was very cool how it worked.
Also today in class there was a "famous" man visiting our school for the TV production team. He has won several Emmys for the production of the Olympics. I did not see him, but Mr. Schick brought his (the guest's) Emmy to our class. This was really cool and it made me very happy. We got to take pictures with it and I hope that Mr. Schick will email them to us. This was a really cool experience.
For the last half of class we actually did human geography work, but it was still fun. We continued to play the peace core game. I still haven't completed it, but I am getting the hang of it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Test Back

In human geography today we go our test back. I got a 91 on the test which want bad. As we reviewed the test we learned that it is really important to pay attention to the question. For example the question said, "The leader of this state is their youngest prime minister in over 200 years." I put down the name David Cameron, and that would have been true if it was asking for the person, but it wasn't. The question was asking for the place, so the correct answer was United Kingdom. I think that most people read the question quickly and wrote down what they thought was the right answer, but they just needed to read the question more clearly and carefully. We all make mistakes even I do, but hopefully next time we will all be more aware of the question and read it more carefully.
For the rest of the class we went on this website and played a game that dealt with the peace core, and with microfinance. I liked this game because it was a fun way to understand the topic. Overall it was a pretty good class.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Today in human geography we started a new unit that deals with microfinance.

Microfinance is the supply of loans, savings, and other basic financial services to the poor. They normally are small loans, but are enough for poor people to get by. These loans are small because poor people aren't likely to want or be able to take out a $50,000 loan, but they will just be happy with a $1,000 loan. The World Bank estimates that about 160 million people use microfinance for loans and help that normal banking can't provide. These small loans are called microcredit. Microfinances offer a few hundred dollars at a certain time to people in need. By having this income it can dramatically affect their lifestyle by letting them become self-employed, and make a profit. With the profit they are able to pay back the loans that they received through microfinancing. These loans can also be used for housing and education as well. Microfinance institutions can also provide saving accounts and insurance to their clients. If something was to happen to a client's possessions the money the microfinance helped them save will cover the coast of the damage. Even though microfinance works very well it doesn't fix all of the problems, but it sure does help.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Test in 30 min

Today in human geography we took a political geography test. Today was a shortened schedule because we got to watch the school play, Gospel. It felt weird to eat lunch at 10 instead of 11:30,but I liked having all of my classes shortened. The test wasn't that bad and I had enough time to finish it, but some people didn't, but maybe Mr. Schick will give them more time. I thought the play was really good and I enjoyed it. In the begging it didn't really make any sense to me, but once they started to act out some of the parables it made more sense. Our school has a lot of talent, there were good dancers, actors, and of course singers. I hope that they let us watch footloose during school because I think that footloose is going to be even better. Overall today was good, short classes, and we have no school Friday, I wish every day would be like this.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Study Guide


Islamic republic

Headed by President Hamid Karzai

            He was a leader under Taliban

            Is well reversed in several languages

            In 2001 he warned the United States that Taliban was plotting against them



Federal republic

Headed by President Dilma Rousseff

She disliked the military’s way of doing this, and because of that she was thrown into jail for 3 years, where she suffered torture. And battled thorough cancer. She is a very strong lady

Has been divorced 2 times

She had a degree in economics (very smart)



Communist state

Ruled by President Xi Jinping

            Son of a revolutionary veteran, one of the Communist Party’s founding fathers

            He married a folk singer, Peng Liyuan who is an army general

            Leader of the Communist Party

            His daughter goes to school in the U.S. (Harvard University)




Headed by Francois Hollande

            Has had no previous experience in the government

            His father is a physician and his mother is a social worker

            Has for kids, not married, but in a 30-year relationship



Federal republic

Headed by President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel

            Angela is crazy smart

            She had been the chancellor since November 2005

            Has been voted most powerful woman in the world for the past 8 years






Federal republic

Headed by President Pranab Mukherjee

            Previously taught science and worked as a journalist

            One of the best finance ministers of the world

            A man named Rajiv Ganghi took over as prime minister once Pranab’s mother had been killed. Since he lost his battle he decided to start his own party  



Theocratic republic

Ruled by Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei, and President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani

            Ali took part in street protest

            Was elected as president in 1981, and became the supreme leader in 1989


            Hansan has served in the Supreme National Security Council

            Was just elected President in June 2013

He has openly criticized the previous President for the way that he ran the country, he was also an American hater



Parliamentary democracy

Headed by President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu

Shimon had to flee to Palestine because of religious issues.

            Became responsible for the military equipment after Arab had attacked them

            Organized the nuclear program

Won the Nobel Peace prize


            Binyamin grew up in the U.S.

Once his brother was killed he returned to Israel and started to advocate international cooperation in fighting terrorism



Federal republic

Headed by President Enrique Pena Pieto.

            His father was an engineer for electricity

“Trouble stays away from him”

He is married to an actress, and her title is “the first lady in Mexico”





Saudi Arabia:

A kingdom

Ruled by Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, who is both King and Prime Minister

            The father of 22 children

            He is worth 21 billion dollars

            He was commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard

            He has visited the Pope

Has granted women the right to vote and run in future elections, this was very uncommon in the area that they live in



The United Kingdom:

Constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm

Ruled by Prime Minister David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II

            Elizabeth became queen on February 6, 1952, her reign has 60 years and counting


David had his whole life planned out for him, but when his soon died he started to look at things differently

            He is the youngest prime minister




Federal republic

Headed by President Nicolas Maduro Moros

            Worked as a bus driver

            Worked with Hugo Chavez



Tuesday, November 12, 2013

World leaders

In human geography we continued to discuss countries and their leaders. There is also a test on political geography on Thursday.

  • Is a parliamentary democracy headed by President Shimon Peres and Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu
Shimon Peres:
  • Organized Israel's nuclear program
  • Minster of foreign affairs
  • Won the Nobel peace prize
Binyamin Netanyahu:
  • started to advocate international cooperation in fighting terrorism.
  • A federal republic headed by President Enrique Pena Pieto

Enrique Pena Pieto:

  • "trouble stays away from him"
  •  Angelica Rivera was his wife and she is the first lady in Mexico.
Saudi Arabia:

  • Is a kingdom ruled by Abdallah bin Abd-Aziz Al Saud, who is king and prime minister.

  • Father of 22 children
  • He is worth 21 billion dollars
  • Is the commander of the national guard
  • He granted women the right to vote and run in the future, which is very uncommon
United Kingdom:
  • Is a constitutional monarchy an a common wealth realm, ruled by Prime Minster David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II
David and Elizabeth:
  • Elizabeth became queen on February 6, 1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953.  Her reign has lasted 60 years - and counting.
  • David had his whole life planed out for him, but when his son died he started to think differently
  • David is the youngest prime minister
  • Is a federal republic headed by President Nicolas Maduro Moros
Nicolas Maduro Moros:
  • Started as a bus driver
  • He was introduced to Hugo Chaves, who hated the U.S.

Friday, November 8, 2013

A review on the Countries and their Leaders

Today in human geography we  got back our tests and review the questions on the test. We even found out that Mr. Schick had made a error on his answer sheet, so we all got the three points back on the question that was marked wrong. This made the whole class very happy. We also discussed the different countries, and their rulers different characteristics. They are listed below.

  • Is an Islamic republic headed by president Hamid Karzai
Hamid Karzai:
  • He was a leader under Taliban ruled and worked to undermine the regime.
  • He was well versed in several languages
  • In 2001 he warned the United States that Tliban was planning to plot against the U.S.
  • Is a federal republic headed by the President Dilma Dousseff
Dilma Rousseff:
  • She opposed Brazils military dictatorship and was sent to prison, where she was tortured.
  • She has been divorced twice.
  • She had a degree in economics, and rules the country
  • Is a communist state, ruled by Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping:
  • He was the son of a veteran, one of the Communist Party's founding fathers.
  • He married a folk singer, who also holds the rank of army general.
  • Thy have a daughter named Xi Mingze, who is studying in the U.S.
  • Is a  republic headed by Francois Hollande
Francois Hollande:
  • He had no national government experience
  • He was born in 1954, and his father was a physician, and his mother was a social worker.
  • Shared a 30 year old relationship and had 4 children
  • Is a federal republic headed by president J
Angela Merkel:
  • Very smart
  • Has been chancellor since November 2005
  • Has been the most powerful woman in the world for the past 8 years
  • Is federal republic headed by Paranab Mukherjee
Paranab Mukherjee:
  • Taught political Science, and worked as a journalist
  • Was rated as one of the best finance in the world
  • He ran into issues and started a new party called Trashtriya Samajwadi
  • A theocratic republic, ruled by Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei, and President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani
Ali Hoseini-Khamenei:
  • Supreme Leader of Iran
  • When he was younger he took part in street protesters against the U.S.
  • Was elected President of Iran in 1981 and re-elected in 1985, and became Iran's supreme leader in 1989.
Hasan Fereidun Ruhani:
  • The president of Iran
  • A deputy speaker and has served on the supreme National Security Council.
  • he ha benn critical to the previous Ahmadinejad, who was crazy and an American hater. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Countries and their Leaders

Government: Federal Republic
Leader: Enrique Pena Nieto
Title: President 
1. He has served as governor of the State of Mexico.
2. He joined the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 1984, and with a law degree nearly completed, he began earning his own money.

Government: Communist State
Leader: XI Jinping
Title: President
1. He was the son of a communist veteran, and he rose through the ranks politically in China's coastal provinces.
2. He was sent to Zhengding County in Hebei as Deputy Secretary, and was promoted in 1983 to Secretary of the Zhengding County Committee.
3. He will change China and get them back on the right track with the eco

Government: Federal Republic
Leader: Pranab Mukherjee
Title: President
1. In 1969  he became the Prime Minister , Indira Gandhi
2.He was #2 in Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's government.

Government: Islamic Republic
Leader: Hamid Karzai
Title: President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
1. He was selected by prominent Afghan political figures to serve a six-month term as Chairman of the Interim Administration.
2. He worked  as a fundraiser for the anti-communist mujahideen during the 1980s.

Government: Federal Republic
Leader: Joachim Gauck
Title: President
1. He was nominated as the candidate of the SPD and the Greens for President of Germany in 2010.
2. He was a co-founder of the New Forum opposition movement in East Germany.

United Kingdom:
Government: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Leader: Elizabeth II
Title: Queen
1.She began to undertake public duties during the Second World-War in which she served in the Auxiliary Territorial Service.
2.  Her coronation service took place in 1953 and was the first to be televised.

Government: Republic
Leader: Francois Hollande
Title: President
1.  He served as the Mayor of Tulle from 2001 to 2008 and the President of the General Council of Correze from 2008 to 2012.
2. He is the second Socialist Party president of the French Fifth Republic.

Government: Federal Republic
Leaders: Dilma Rousseff
Title: President
1. She joined the committee responsible for the energy policy and she become Minister of Energy.
2. She is the first woman to hold the office, and is a very strong person.

Government: Federal Republic
Leaders: Nicolas Maduro Moros
Title: President
1. He rose to become a trade union leader, before being elected to the National Assembly in 2000.
2. He was described during this time as the "most capable administrator and politician of Chávez's inner circle".

Saudi Arabia:
Government: Monarchy
Leader: Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud
Title: King and Prime Minister
1.  In 1961 he became mayor of Mecca, his first public office.
2. He also served as deputy defense minister.

Government: Theocratic Republic
Leader: Ali Hoseini-Khamenei
Title: Supreme Leader
1. He was the victim of an attempted assassination that paralyzed his right arm.
2. Forbes magazine selected him 21st in the list of "The World's Most Powerful People."

Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Leader: Shimon Peres
Title: President
1. He held several diplomatic and military positions during and directly after Israel's War of Independence
2. He has represented five political parties


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Political Geography

Today in human geography we too our retake test. I did really well on it and I got a 93%. I'm happy about this because I knew that I could have done better on the first test, and it turns out that I could.
For the rest of the class we started a new unit called Political Geography. This unit sounds a little more challenging than the rest.
The world is divided into three different parts.
  1. A country
    • an identifiable land area
  2. A State (with a capital "S")
    • a population under a single government
    • a synonym is a "country  
  3. Nation-state
    • a single culture under a single government
    • a nation which has the same boarders as the State

Nation- a cultural group of people that share the same identity, like languages, religion, institutions, and historical experience.

Independent State:
  • Has territory with boundaries
  • People live there on a regular basis
  • An organized country regulated by money, trade, and foreign issues
  • Has education 
  • Has transportation
  • Has a government
  • Has sovereignty
    • This means that no other State should have power over other countries
  • External recognition
    • Has been voted on by other countries

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Cultural Grography Test

Today in Human Geography we took a test. Most of the kids in our human geography were not there for the test that we took today. I thought some of the questions were challenging, but I go an 80% on it, which is not that bad. Before we took the test we spent some time going over the power point that Mr. Schick had made up for us to study. But today I received an email from Mr. Schick and it said that many students did not do very well on the test, so we are getting another chance to re-take the test. I am very happy about this, even though I didn't get a bad grade, but I know that I could have done better. I think the reason why we didn't do so well is because I felt like we rushed through the religion part of the unit. Also it was the night after Halloween, so maybe people didn't study, and we probably didn't get a goodnight sleep. Hopefully we will study harder and get a goodnight sleep before the re-take test.