Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The snow break

Over the past two day we have had off school for snow! I really enjoyed these 2 days off, I needed them. Throughout our snow break I watched lots of movies, and I studied for the exams that are coming up next week. I hope these exams go well. Today in class we had a very short one because we came in two hours late, once again for snow. We went over our microfinance test, and we discussed Nelson Mandela's death. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a democratic election. He served over 27 years in prison, being convicted for sabotage, and other reasons. Nelson was a very inspirational person, because once he was released from prison, he had the big enough heart to forgive the people that put him in there. There were almost all of the world leaders that participated in his funeral. He was truly a good man and very inspirational.

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