Friday, December 13, 2013

Exam Study Guide: Part 2

2.2 billion (Largest in the world)
Called: Christians
Located: Europe, the Americans, southern Africa
Denominations: Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church, Protestants
Founder: Jesus Christ
Holy Book: The Bible
Beliefs: Jesus is both human and divine
Clergy: the Pope is the head of the church

1.5 billion (Second largest)
Called: Muslims
Location: Indonesia, Middle East, North Africa
Denominations: Sunnis and Shiites
Founder: Muhammad
Holy Book: Qur'an
Beliefs: monotheistic, Abrahamic, five pillars, see the purpose in life as serving to Allah

1.1 billion (Third largest) oldest religion
Called: Hindus
Location: India
Holy Book: the Vedas- meant to be sung, reveals the truth of ancient sages
Founder: no distinct founder, rather a set of beliefs (like the belief in reincarnation)

1.5 billion
Called: Buddhists
Location: Asia, China, Japan, U.S.
Founder: Siddhartha Gautama
Denominations: Tibetan, Zen, Theravada, and Amidist
Four Noble Truths and the eightfold path

14-18 million
Called: Jews
Location: Israel
Founder: Abraham
Holy Book: Talmud and the Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament)
Beliefs: That God is one

World leaders:
Afghanistan: Islamic republic
Headed by President Hamid Karzai
He was a leader under Taliban
Is well reversed in several languages
In 2001 he warned the United States that Taliban was plotting against them

Brazil: Federal republic
Headed by President Dilma Rousseff
She disliked the military’s way of doing this, and because of that she was thrown into jail for 3 years, where she suffered torture. And battled thorough cancer. She is a very strong lady
Has been divorced 2 times
She had a degree in economics (very smart)

China: Communist state
Ruled by President Xi Jinping
Son of a revolutionary veteran, one of the Communist Party’s founding fathers
He married a folk singer, Peng Liyuan who is an army general
Leader of the Communist Party
His daughter goes to school in the U.S. (Harvard University)

France: Republic
Headed by Francois Hollande
Has had no previous experience in the government
His father is a physician and his mother is a social worker
            Has for kids, not married, but in a 30-year relationship

Germany: Federal republic
Headed by President Joachim Gauck and Chancellor Angela Merkel
            Angela is crazy smart
            She had been the chancellor since November 2005
            Has been voted most powerful woman in the world for the past 8 years

India: Federal republic
Headed by President Pranab Mukherjee
            Previously taught science and worked as a journalist
            One of the best finance ministers of the world
A man named Rajiv Ganghi took over as prime minister once Pranab’s mother had been killed. Since he lost his battle he decided to start his own party 

Iran: Theocratic republic
Ruled by Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei, and President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani
            Ali took part in street protest
            Was elected as president in 1981, and became the supreme leader in 1989

            Hansan has served in the Supreme National Security Council
            Was just elected President in June 2013
He has openly criticized the previous President for the way that he ran the country, he was also an American hater

Israel: Parliamentary democracy
Headed by President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
Shimon had to flee to Palestine because of religious issues.
            Became responsible for the military equipment after Arab had attacked them
            Organized the nuclear program
Won the Nobel Peace prize

           Binyamin grew up in the U.S.
Once his brother was killed he returned to Israel and started to advocate international cooperation in fighting terrorism

 Mexico: Federal republic
Headed by President Enrique Pena Pieto.
            His father was an engineer for electricity
“Trouble stays away from him”
He is married to an actress, and her title is “the first lady in Mexico”

Saudi Arabia: A kingdom
Ruled by Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, who is both King and Prime Minister
            The father of 22 children
            He is worth 21 billion dollars
            He was commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard
            He has visited the Pope
Has granted women the right to vote and run in future elections, this was very uncommon in the area that they live in

The United Kingdom: Constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Ruled by Prime Minister David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II
            Elizabeth became queen on February 6, 1952, her reign has 60 years and counting
David had his whole life planned out for him, but when his soon died he started to look at things differently
            He is the youngest prime minister

Venezuela: Federal republic
Headed by President Nicolas Maduro Moros
            Worked as a bus driver
            Worked with Hugo Chavez

Peace Corps Review:
Throughout the game I learned some facts. The microfinance program helps people in many different ways. Microfinance address the need of people who lived in a low populated area, with no money. They also have volunteers that work with farmers. The peace core works towards increasing family income, and they try to improve the environment for business. Throughout the game there were many issues that you had to solve, and it would give you information on what was right and what was wrong, but you had to choose. One of these examples was the occurrences of malaria, and it can be reduced by managing water resources. There was also another issue in the game and that was that the town lake was contaminated with pollution. The pollution most likely came from the people of the town.
Many girls don't get the opportunity to go to school and get an education. The UNICEF program helps these girls get into school. The countries that are poor and in need have allies of other countries that help them. The United States is one of these countries, and they consume and produce about a quarter of the world’s forest products, which helps them, by selling the country products so they have supplies. Also tress play a very important role in our environment.
These were some of the informational facts that the game gave me. The game is a new and different way to lean and I like it, hopefully we will be able to do this again with another unit topic.

Microfinance review:
Microfinance= a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services

Microloans= loans people money to help them get a kick start in a small business that they think will be beneficial to their village or town
Another definition
Microloans=When a person lends a small amount of money to a developing business. Once the business is running good the leader will receive the money back
They can also help investments in infrastructure, education, and legal forms
They also give the opportunity to have choices

What does it do?
Provides people who don’t have the money to get a loan and start a business, also helps pay for insurance
Helps the local economy
It is an opportunity for the less fortunate
Allows people to builds their assets

Developing countries:
Most of the countries are poor, and they are the ones most likely to need help
Malaria= a life threating transmitted mosquitoes    Doctors are working for a cure
Clean water
Poor health care

Loans and small businesses:
Help them get loan, housing and structure investments

Microlender= an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders

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