Thursday, January 16, 2014

Video part 3: The fertile cresent

The animals that were talked about on my last blog were not all over the Earth to start. Lamas came from South America, and around 14 of the animal came from Asia, Europe, and North Africa. But where did these animals come from, and why does Papua New Guinea have none of these animals? A place called the Fertile Crescent, was one of the luckiest geographical spot on Earth. It had the right climate, was a food provider, and had goats for livestock. This is where people first started making civilization. But the area soon became abandoned. This happened because the people had wrecked the land, and the climate became a problem for them. They over exploded the environment. The civilization that once lived here was amazing. They were very smart in how they organized and built things. When they would build houses they would plaster the walls, that is amazing for people who have never really been "taught" how to do this, but they just thought that it would be important to do. They also had an understanding of fire. Once they abandoned the Fertile Crescent, they moved east and west. By moving east and west they stayed with in the same lines of latitude. Because of this the climate and land stayed the same. This is how the world became full of livestock. When the people moved and spread across they took things with them. This made the world into what we know it to be. If it weren't for those people life could be very different.

The question that was asked was, "Why you white people have so much, and we have so little" is answered by the word geography. In Papua New Guinea they do not have the ability to use livestock. They have to spend so much time worrying if they have enough food to feed themselves that they did not think about other important factors. Maybe if they had more "geographical luck" there lifestyles would be a lot more different.

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