Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Video part 2: Animal Domestication

A very important factor in a civilization is farming. For example, China mainly grows rice, America grows corn, squash, and beans, and Africa grows sorghum,and, yams. Jared Diamond believe that plants are one of the main reasons for Papua New Guinea's lack of civilization. Papua New Guinea does a lot of farming, and it is all done by hand, because they do not have the proper tool and resources. Domesticated animals are very useful for farming. They can plow the ground, give people food, warmth/clothes with their fur, and milk. By Papua New Guinea not having these domesticated animals the people of New Guinea have to do everything by hand. The benefit of having animals is that once you pick the crops they can come in and eat what is left. While the animals are eating they fertilize the ground too with their waste. The best kind of animal to have is the ones that tend to reproduce once they are 3 to 4 years old, and not having to wait 15 years before an elephant can reproduce. Over all there are around 140 domesticated animals, and some of them are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, camels, water buffalo, lamas, reindeer, yaks, muskox (ox), and cattle.    

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