Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, germs, and steel: video

A man named Jared Diamond is a teacher at UCLA, and has his degree as a biologist, human-physiology, and he also enjoys bird watching. In Papua New Guinea Jared went there to study and watch birds. While he was there a man named Yahleh had asked him the question "Why you white men have so much cargo, and we have so little?" Jared did not know how to answer this question so he said that her would go and search for it. The word cargo to them means all material things. When people first came the white people made themselves superior to others. The New Guinea people are very smart and have the ability to make a great city. But in order to have that goo city they need advanced technology, a large population, and a well-organized work force. There is also a major problem with the food in Papua New Guinea, with hunting animal there is no guarantee that they can get food every day, for the animals have a mind of their own, and can go anywhere. They also use a food that is in the sego tree. It provides food for them, but it cannot be stored, therefore you cannot have a supply, or stock up on it. The food takes 3 to 4 days to process.

In the Middle East around 13000 years ago the people used barley and wheat, these are plentiful foods and they are able to be stored. But then a huge drought came over the Middle East, and we wonder how they survived. Well, Ian Kite is an archaeologist and he works in Drah. He and his team have found one of the first possible villages. Here in this building they believed that they have discovered a granary, where they would store their food. So, how did they get this food if there was a drought? Well we believe that they began to grow their own food. They also started to domesticate their food without even realizing it. Domestication is when people cross breed food (taking the best portion of food and re-planting it).    

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