Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The First Day

My first couple of days at John Carroll were a little over whelming. On Wednesday I had all of my classes, which stinks because it made for a long day. Math was my first subject, and my brain was not really ready to think. My third class on Wednesday is a honors Spanish class and my teacher stands in the middle of the classroom and talks to us in Spanish, and we sit there with a blank expression on our faces. I would be able to understand her but I haven't had to comprehend Spanish in over three months, so it makes it a little difficult. My Bible teacher is very funny, his name is Mr. Gatto. The first day I had his class there were two students that never showed up, but eventually one had found his way to the classroom. The second day of Bible class the same two students still did not show, and we had one new person. It had turned out that one of the missing people had switched classes with the new person, so now we were only missing one classmate. After ten minutes of class had gone by the missing student had finally showed up to class saying "oh I thought this was my class, but I wasn't sure" we all laughed and continued class. Health is one of my "laid back" classes which is nice because there is no stress. The last class of the day was Science, and I had heard that the teacher was nice, but that he had a very loud and powerful voice. Well they were right, he yelled at a couple of students for being late, and for slouching in their chairs, but other than that he seemed like a good teacher. My two days at John Carroll have been good and I look forward to making new friends and memories to make.   

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