Friday, August 30, 2013

Five things to become a better student

The five things that I want to do to make myself a successful student are:
  • Be active!
    •   I want to join lots of school activates and be active with the school. Also I want to know almost everyone, if not all the people in my grade, and maybe some in the grade above me and below me.
  • I want to work hard and still have fun.
    • Having good grades is important to me, but I do not want to be the kind of person who all you do is work. I still want to have fun with my friends at the same time.
  • I will be myself.
    • I will not let other peoples decisions affect my life, and I will just be me.
  • Not to give up!
    • Even thought high school is going to be hard I can't give up, I have to keep going and try my best.
  • To have the best four years of my life!
    • Everyone says that high school is the best four years, and I want to live up to that expectation.

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